本帖最后由 崔老师 于 2023-7-21 10:00 编辑
Questions to be expected during DSAinterview? How to prepare PSLE in a scientific way? Things to keep in mind when choosingsecondary school?
These are the concerns parents might haveduring the preparation process. In order to provide comprehensive assistancefor everyone's transition to secondary school, the teachers at Kangaroo.Studyhave provided answers and guidance to the problems you may encounter. We havecompiled all of the answers to these problems into the handbook: “ComprehensiveGuide to Secondary School Enrollment”. This handbook is specifically for thetransition to secondary school, and now you can get it for free to all ourstudents' parents!
Sneak peak of the contents in thishandbook
This handbook consists of five majorchapters, covering two main paths for secondary school enrollment: DSA (DirectSchool Admission) and PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination). It addressesfive significant aspects related to the transition: admission policies,educational information, preparation methods, school selection guidance, andjunior high school learning.
Chapter 1: Policies and Technical Terms
The first chapter is about admissionpolicies, providing everyone with essential information to understand theprocess of advancement. It also introduces this year's implementation of thecomprehensive streaming in the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) knownas Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB).
Chapter 2: Posting to secondary schoolvia PSLE
In chapter 2, teachers provide guidancespecifically for PSLE preparation based on their years of teaching experience.For example: What are the patterns in the questionsetting for PSLE? How can students achieve high scores inPSLE mathematics (AL1 level)? Kangaroo.Study's teachers conduct asystematic analysis of past exam papers. So that students can use the analysis aboveto revise and prepare for PSLE in a targeted manner, aiming to achieve their desiredresults.
Chapter 3: Posting to secondary schoolvia DSA
Chapter 3 is dedicated to helping everyoneprepare more thoroughly for DSA (Direct School Admission). At this stage,children are preparing for DSA interviews, and to assist them, the teachershave compiled a list of common interview questions.
Chapter 4: Overview of secondary schools
Chapter 4 provides a systematicintroduction to various secondary schools in Singapore, offering detailedreference information for choosing a school during DSA or PSLE application. Webegin by ranking the secondary schools in Singapore based on their past PSLE andA-Level examination results. At the same time, to provide everyone witha better understanding of their desired schools, we have categorized andintroduced popular secondary schools in detail, including IP (IntegratedProgramme) boys' schools, IP girls' schools, IP co-educational schools, andpopular non-IP secondary schools in various regions (east, south, west, north)of Singapore.
The information includes details about DSA,Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) offered, school's basic profile, and PSLE admissioninformation. This comprehensive introduction allows parents to assess thesuitability of their children for different schools from multiple perspectives,and to prepare for DSA and PSLE with clear goals in mind.
Chapter 5: Study guide for secondaryschool
The fifth chapter will provide guidance onhow to cope with secondary school studies. After entering secondary school,even students who achieved AL1 in Mathematics can show a polarized performancein just one year of study. This is because children might not have adapted tothe content of secondary school studies early enough and haven't mastered thecorrect study methods.
To help students gain an advantage insecondary school and smoothly transition from primary to secondary education,Kangaroo.Study presents a detailed study plan from the end of PSLE to secondaryschool in this chapter.
How to get this handbook for free?
This handbook “Comprehensive Guide toSecondary School Enrollment” is a special gift from Kangaroo.Study to all thestudents who have supported us on the occasion of our one-year anniversary. Allstudents can receive it for free. You only need to repost the poster below withthe text "免费领取小升中指导手册" (Free to receive “ComprehensiveGuide to Secondary School Enrollment”) on either WeChat Moments or Facebook.After that, you can scan the QR code to join the group, and the teachers fromKangaroo.Study will verify the repost screenshots and distribute the handbookaccordingly.