1. Absolutevalue:a number is made up of an absolute value with a positive or negative sign infront of it.
2. Rules for adding two numbers: Case1: Bothnumbers have the same signs: Remaining their common sign and adding the absolutevalue of numbers. Case2: Bothnumbers have different signs: Using the same sign as the number having the largerabsolute value and subtracting the absolute values. 3. Rules for subtracting two numbers: Tosubtract integers, change the sign of the integer being subtracted and addusing the addition rules for integers. 4. Rules for multiplication and division: Case1: Both numbers have the same signs: Theproduct or quotient is positive. Case2: Both numbers have different signs: Theproduct is negative. 5. Rules for division: Dividingby a number is equivalent to multiplying its reciprocal.
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